Cañicultores protested to the Ministry of Agriculture


The wave of protests in the country seems not to recede. Yesterday, the center of Caracas, especially Urdaneta avenues and University, was the center of claims. In the first, sugarcane producers staked their bets in front of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands to protest against the government's measure that included them in Plan 50 – Product Regulation – to set the price of sugar. sugar

. Wilmer Castro Soteldo office. They came to Caracas from various parts of the country. They stated that price regulation does not allow them to cover costs.

José Ricardo Álvarez, president of the Federation of Cañicultores Associations of Venezuela, said last Wednesday that "it is impossible to regulate sugar in hyperinflation." He explained that the kilogram of sugar should be sold in bulk to 60,000 bolivars; nevertheless, the "green roads" lead the consumer to acquire in about 1,000,000 bolivars, money that producers do not receive.

Farmers request a meeting with Castro Soteldo to evaluate alternatives on item prices, because a regulation would not allow them to cover product manufacturing costs.

They propose to make quarterly price revisions, even though Venezuela's monthly inflation exceeds the 100% average.

"Anyone who has a production unit suffers the shocks of constantly rising input prices.As far as production costs go, every time we go to market, we find that the inputs needed to continue our work on the ground are increasing day by day, "said Álvarez

.University, opposite the Ministry of University Education, Science and Technology brought together the workers of Cantv and Movilnet, as well as those of the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Investigations, and they also demanded better pay conditions for the second day.

Fetratel and Fetrajuptel, on behalf of active workers, retirees, retirees and survivors, request revision and And the adjustment of the economic and socio-economic clauses of the current collective agreement.They indicated that after meetings, public calls, letters, declarations Among other things, Cantv-Movilnet has taken steps, but they are not enough to solve the workers' problems.

Business autonomy and claim that it is not just fair wages, but to update the benefits of workers.

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