Cantv and security agencies recover strategic equipment


.N .- Cantv, in collaboration with state security agencies, seized 10 tons of strategic material and collaborated with the capture of 15 citizens, in various proceedings conducted in El Junquito , Caracas and Los Teques Miranda

The deployment of the authorities in the parish of Caracas resulted in the seizure of 450 telephone cables of different capacities, nine multipair cables and various technological tools which were in a clandestine warehouse at kilometer 14. time, in the police action conducted in Los Teques, three people were caught in the act with 30 meters of telephone wire, guayas and sleeves belonging to the telecommunications company of the city of Los Teques.

These actions are in addition to the work done by Cantv in El Junquito and Los Teques to guarantee telephony and Internet services to users affected by the theft and vandalism of telecommunications networks, as part of the Plan. of Comprehensive Resolution of Failures.

It is so that it has been possible to recharge recently in the area of ​​Caracas 360 meters of networks They have returned communications to 400 subscribers of Irapa, La Orquídea, Juncal, from Sabaneta Alta and Baja and El Pueblo. Meanwhile, in the city of Mirandina, we are moving forward with the replacement of six high-capacity cables, with 2,400 subscribers from the El Nacional, El Vigía, Santa Rosa and El Tambor communities, the first beneficiaries of these tasks.

Cantv, an entity assigned to the Ministry of People's Power for University Education, Science and Technology, invites organized communities to denounce these incidents that threaten the exploitation of telecommunications services through the 0800- Antenas, 187 from a fixed line and * 187 from Movilnet.

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