Caraqueños went back to protest by failures in the water supply


Caracas .- Dozens of Venezuelans left on Tuesday, July 10 in the streets of different areas of Caracas to claim the faults in the water supply, which they say are, in many cases from a few months ago and they said that they will continue protesting until they get answers from the authorities.

Small demonstrations were recorded in the west and center of the capital, areas where the ruling party exercises greater control.

The protesters demanded that the state company Hidrocapital and the "solutions" of the mayors in the absence of water, specifically that "solve the structural problem," he told the online channel VIVOplay Rensei Salazar, one of the inhabitants of the city center.

"In my private building it arrives with a relative regularity but it is a hungry net that never fills the tank and to put it back it was necessary to put it from 5am to 6am (…) this is not life, because in addition to getting up early every day, from Monday to Monday to fetch water, the water becomes cloudy, "he said.

Similarly, west of Caracas, other demonstrations took place where the inhabitants of the El Paraíso, Baralt Avenue and Parque Carabobo sectors chanted slogans such as "We want to see". 39 "water."

Josefina Delgado, 68, says she has not had water for four months and complains that at her age she has to carry buckets for

While Teresa Osorio, resident of El Paraíso, said that in the middle of this crisis, when the water reaches them, the inhabitants of the buildings that inhabit the lower floors have to organize and close their faucets so that those who live there can get the liquid.

"What a joy to take a shower, you feel wonderful, you feel worthy (…) because this (being without water) is miserable, it's like living as a needy", did he says while complaining failures electric service, public transportation and gas supply in residential areas.

Demonstrations of lack of water are recorded almost daily in all states of the country, also affected by hyperinflation, product scarcity, insecurity and deterioration of public hospitals.

Parliament's Environment Committee considers that the problem of water in the country is due to the lack of investment and maintenance in the water infrastructure.

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