Casa de Cambio Binance Donates $ 1 Million to Flood Victims in Japan | CryptoNews


Shortly after the announcement of Zhao, Binance publishes on his website and social networks ways to join them for this charitable cause, which may be anonymous or announced, according to the donor's preference. Donations can be made in ether (ETH) or tokens ERC20

Public receptivity to this initiative has been very good, both in networks with positive comments on the subject, and in the only does fundraising. In, an explorer of Ethereum blocks, we can see that since it opened a few days ago, the donation account has received 47 transactions up to now, totaling over 197 ETH (about 95,700 dollars, according to the current price of the ether)

Japan has been seriously affected by the torrential rains that have fallen since last Thursday, July 5th. According to the information portal Euronews, the number of victims and disappearances varies from 70 to 90 people in total; Meanwhile, rainfall in the region is expected to continue due to the monsoon season.

The platform behind this project to help the needy, Binance, is one of the cryptocurrency trading houses with the largest volume of transactions in the ecosystem it So is common to see it among the first places to study the movements on the cryptocurrency market like Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, NEO and Stellar Lights, among others.

In case of natural disasters and similar phenomena Similar humanitarian proposals were seen, led by personalities and companies related to the ecosystem of cryptocurrencies. These include the initiative of the exchange house Bitso, who made available to the public instructions for donating bitcoin, ether or XRP to help the victims of the earthquake that took place in Mexico in September 2017. [19659003]

Image Featured By: mad rolly /

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