Catherine Fulop confessed what is her "fetish" garment


Sunday, July 22, 2018 18:52

Catherine Fulop

The idea was that the guests of Andy Kusnetzoff would say they were bathing with their partners. Catherine Fulop says that during the holidays she was bathing with the Ova Sabatini, but the best was yet to come

Tell me about the punisher, the driver suggested and with great confidence the driver started: he gave me the punisher, who is a bikini with laaarrrgasss tapes … larrrgassss and that instead of tying you go as amatambrándote.Because in sex and love you must search for everything! "

" It's a bandage that comes and goes … and you stay all amatambrada, you go to dinner you put a bag and in part of the night you say to your partner that you are with the punisher, then you are all having dinner with this little game of seduction, I have my mondongos well established and him – for the Ova – the "lover", [19659007] concluded Cathy with laughter, while everyone was celebrating the idea.

Source: use-catherine-fullop-in-your-privacy /


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