Challenges and opportunities in the new regime


Carlos Angulo Parra.- B for democracy in Mexico, there is now a compelling triumph for the movement of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, virtual elected president of Mexico ( only formalities are missing) of the law for it to be). Without a doubt, that's what people wanted and we must respect it without resentment or bitterness. I am a democrat and I welcome the firm and frank decision of the electorate, even though I did not benefit from the decision.

But now we must see the following, what are the challenges and what are the opportunities of this new regime. On the one hand, we must consider that the biggest challenge is that there will be very little opposition. A single opposition bloc will not be able to stop a constitutional reform promoted by the new regime, so, all of a sudden, with little political operation, the PRI legislators could be convinced of the fact that it will not be possible. to approve constitutional reforms that would ruin our democracy so much. Little built. In the end, it's the biggest challenge we face.

Therefore, we will depend on the good will of a man to govern our country well. The latest interviews that AMLO has given the media have shown us, up to now, a slow and moderate man, without bitterness or clamor. For an AMLO that we have not met, if he is in power, a lot of good things could happen.

But, unfortunately, I doubt that both positive and negative ends occur. PRI, I am afraid that the new regime will soon be encompassed. In the PAN, as we are used to, a bloody internal struggle can be triggered to want to crucify our leaders, so I doubt that the party can become an effective opposition, at least in the short term.

The real opposition I see is that of organized civil society, which should play a big role in containing the possible excesses of the new regime. I believe that, for the first time in our history, civil society will assume the difficult task of playing a major opposition role in Mexico.

We must first ensure that our democracy is not destroyed, the government (hope that what López Obrador said to not have a fiscal deficit) is true, that private property is respected and free trade plans are maintained abroad to maintain our exports. We must also strive to strengthen the rule of law and strengthen our institutions.

We must ensure that populist excesses do not harm our economy, transparency and the openness of government.

Concerning my state of Chihuahua, although the Presidency was lost by the Front, it can be said that 4 federal electoral districts were obtained, which has not occurred since the 1930s. Fox's era, and a precarious relative majority remained state Congress, which can be eliminated if the PRI (which is very likely) is subject to the first minority of the coalition chaired by Morena.

The state center was closed with the PAN and in the municipality of Juarez lost everything to Morena. The final balance leaves room for the following reflections: (1) the Corral government should have a better performance, proof are the results in the municipalities of Juárez and Cuauhtémoc and the loss of the Senate; (2) the poor municipal government of Cabada in Ciudad Juárez was charged by the citizens; (3) the good PAN municipal governments in Chihuahua, Delicias and the central state were duly rewarded by the citizens; (4) the good governance of the independent in Parral and the de facto alliance made by the PAN with him were duly rewarded by the citizens.

In conclusion, we can mention that the citizen had national sovereignty in his hands and expressed himself to the best of his knowledge. The parties that previously held power, the PRI and the PAN, must understand that in a democracy they pay for the mistakes and bad performance of their governments and that corruption is severely punished by citizens.

Hope this new regime does not destroy our democracy and the responsibility of civil society in this new historical stage of our nation will be paramount to maintain democracy and our institutions.

Let's hope that Andrés Manuel López Obrador act with prudence, prudence, wisdom and maturity, without allowing himself to be carried away by the concupiscence of power. If he does it well, he will be inscribed in history as the best president of Mexico.

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