Launches Screen Saver That Monero Mine for Charity


The popular social petition platform asks its supporters to install a screen saver that Monero extracts in the name of charity from the for-profit organization asks its supporters known as "The Screen Saver", the tool is activated whenever a user away from his computer during some time.

When the device remains on, the tool uses inactive processing power. from the PC to run software that extracts Monero, a confidentiality-based cryptocurrency that can not currently be extracted by specialized mining equipment called "ASIC miners"

.However, it is still not very profitable for a user to extract the monero a single PC. However, if thousands of supporters pool their resources in the mine on behalf of, the organization could generate a significant manna to fund its charitable arm.

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] The screen saver is currently only available for Windows devices, and the announcement does not specify if will publish it for other operating systems.

Monero CPU-based mining is gaining popularity is not the only organization that has asked its followers to use cryptocurrencies to contribute to projects with social impact .

As NCC reported, UNICEF Australia has created a dedicated website called "The HopePage" that harnesses the power of processing visitors' computers to extract monerous for the organization as they have the page open in their browsers.

For-profit companies they also experimented with Monero mining, mainly through CoinHive, a mining script based on JavaScript. Earlier this year, Slate conducted a test allowing readers to donate their computing power to the Monero Mine in exchange for an ad-free browsing experience.

However, criminals have also benefited JavaScript-based tools, which can be easily hidden in browser extensions or injected directly into the source code of websites with unsatisfactory security.

However, wants followers to know that, despite some harmful Associations, the project is safe and secure for users.

"This is legal, safe, simple and has nothing to do with the activities of hackers, viruses or other digital threats.In reality, it is an alternative economic system that has the potential to revolutionizing the way money circulates [s] in society, "said the organization." So why not use (sic) this system to create something good? "

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