"Charlie's Angels": Naomi Scott and Ella Balinska Join the Distribution | Trade | Lights | Cinema


Actresses Naomi Scott and Ella Balinska are chosen by the Sony studio to accompany Kristen Stewart in front of the new version of " Charlie & Angels" . In September 2017, the first information about Stewart's participation in this film was released, but until today it was unclear which two other performers would complete the protagonist trio of a film directed by the filmmaker. Actress and filmmaker Elizabeth Banks ("Pitch Perfect 2", 2015)

The British Naomi Scott was one of the protagonists of "Power Rangers" (2017), although her great opportunity came when she was chosen by Disney to play Jasmine in the new version of the classic animated "Aladdin" that filmmaker Guy Ritchie will release in 2019.

The British Naomi Scott was one of the stars of " Power Rangers "(2017), even though her big break came when she was chosen by Disney to play Jasmine in the new version of the animated classic" Aladdin "that filmmaker Guy Ritchie will release in 2019.

Banks says that" Charlie & Angels ", since its inception in the 7's 0, "Celebrate the"

"This film pays tribute to the legacy of Charles Townsend and his agency while it presents a new era of modern and global angels. I could not be more excited to work with Kristen, Naomi and Ella to bring this episode to fans around the world. "

In addition to being the director of the film and one of its authors, Banks reserved the role of Bosley, a character who served as a liaison in" Charlie's Angels "between the three protagonists and the "Charles" Townsend, still invisible, the boss "Charlie & # 39; s Angels", which featured three women who worked for a private agency Detectives, began as a television series that aired between 1976 and 1981.

He then hit the big screen with two films, "Charlie's Angels" (2000) and "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" (2003), in which the protagonist of the trio was formed by Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu and Drew Barrymore.

Although she became famous, especially among young audiences, for the saga of "Twilight" movies, Kristen Stewart has moved in recent years. projects to dedicate their efforts to a more minority and risky cinema.

Thus, the artist participated projects such as "Still Alice" (2014) with Julianne Moore, "Café Society" (2016) by Woody Allen, or "Personal Shopper" (2016) by Olivier Assayas.

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