Chavista economist proposes to eliminate foreign exchange controls to fight against hyperinflation | NTN24


Representative Jesús Faría argued that exchange control has already achieved its objective and is not producing results.

In an interview with Televen, the economist argued that the current system has reached reserves and the black dollar. "There is no timely currency allocation, so you have to revisit that," he said.

Faría acknowledged that all controls generate a parallel market "the black dollar which is deliberately escaped, but is also done to overthrow the government."

Given the panorama described, the constituent proposes to unify the exchange rate and eliminate the exchange control.

"What is planned with this? That the market, not a small group of people, is responsible for setting that price … There is a major effort to reduce the parallel dollar, but the instruments we used are not enough. "

It should accompany a price policy so as not to choke the producers and help fight the speculators.

"This is not liberating, it is a more flexible regulation. When there is hyperinflation, you can not control prices. "

NTN24 Venezuela

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