Chavistas and Castroites face the military desire to bring Maduro out


For the former rector of the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB), Father Luis Ugalde, the only solution to the Venezuelan crisis remains the departure of Nicolás Maduro del Poder. It states that just as citizens fear military repression, the government also fears uniforms

Venezuela Al Día Editorial

In an interview with the Argentine Clarín, the Jesuit proposes a three-part strategy that the leadership of the Opposition should apply, despite divisions and lack of influence in the population. These three elements would be consistency, unity and pressure.

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To the sociologist's consideration too, "the population expects three other elements to join", that is, say, the opposition, businessmen, the church and also the professionals, the unions, the unions.

"No dictator wants to resign," said Ugalde; therefore, the cooperation of the army is necessary for the desired democratic transition, "because this government is military and the day the military say that we do not support the dictatorship and we will save democracy as mandated by the Constitution, then there is change, "Stresses the Priest

Although Maduro's dictatorship has imprisoned more than 300 officers and generals, in the face of rumors of uprising, Father Ugalde recalls that there are still 2 000 generals who exercise freely. "Clearly, the government knows that the military want to kidnap and are afraid and the Cuban regime knows it. In the barracks, there is terrible discomfort. "


Add that only" chips "should be attached, because the street and international pressure is already there, but" all these forces must articulate. "Stadium in which the leadership of the opposition will play an important role

The priest also knows that the MUD is divided, that there are important politicians in exile and that the militarist and repressive dictatorship is a Reality that no naive can ignore. 19659007] To overcome these obstacles, says the Father, a doctrinal program is not enough, but "the mobilization of millions and millions is necessary, its action articulated to require with intelligence and courage the change in this regime that brought a national tragedy decades ago was unimaginable. The regime hangs on, suppresses and kills and it's not easy to get out of it, "he said.

Read the interview in Clarín [19659012] [ad_2]
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