Chile has issued a national food alert for the presence of mold in milk for babies



(Caracas, July 28 – News24) .- The Ministry of Health of Chile has issued a national food alert for the presence of mold in more than 10,000 units of milk powder for Nestlé brand premature babies

In a statement released on Friday, the portfolio reported that "the presence of mold outside tolerable limits was detected" in 10,092 units of Nestlé brand Nan Prematuros or PreNan, delivered to the vulnerable population through the Ministry of Health's complementary feeding program across the country.

The products concerned were distributed between May (9,864) and June (228) this year, according to the official communication.

"In particularly vulnerable populations, such as premature infants, some fungi outside established ranges may cause health problems," said Assistant Secretary of Health Paula Daza. , meanwhile, reported that "it is in coordination with the authority to take all relevant measures to the case" and that it performs simultaneously "a comprehensive analysis of the situation with our teams techniques."

"We will continue to work to clarify this fact as soon as possible," the company added in a statement

This Saturday, during this time, the health authorities conducted an inspection operation in the outlets of the product, to verify that the contaminated lot does not reach consumers.

Up to now, no cases of children affected by milk product consumption have been reported.

With information from AFP

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