CHILE / Legislators Promote Regulations for Waste Management and Recycling


The promulgation of the law prohibiting the delivery of plastic bags in stores and shops has reactivated the debate over the production of waste in the Chilean territory. He also opened the discussion on the need to move forward in the implementation of the laws and regulations that promote the materialization of the Promotion Act in Recycling which was approved in 2016.

A necessary law [19659003] Thanks to the consensus of the legislators, the norm was transformed into an integral legal framework with the haste that deserves the case . The main purpose of the law is to reduce as much as possible the generation of waste ; It also aims to encourage innovation in the use of potentially recyclable materials and the transfer to producers and importers of products that can be converted into waste, the costs of collection and its recovery.

The new tools of waste management, to reduce the error that can occur by legislating according to the type of specific waste, and offer incentives that promote the recycling of waste generated.

It is necessary to maintain a sense of urgency with regard to recycling activities, in order to develop new businesses [VIDEO] in ecological matters and to avoid risks and environmental impacts, by saving a significant amount resources to municipalities.

A wide normative deployment

It is also necessary to set up a broad normative deployment to promote the design of products consuming less raw materials, generators of cans and which in turn can be recycled easily. The labeling of products is also suggested, so as to allow the consumer to distinguish organic products.

In addition, the use of "deposit" and repayment would be an excellent alternative . that would allow the collection and recovery of many wastes generated in large volumes. This type of waste can often be observed in illegal dumps [VIDEO] in the open. This measure could significantly improve the recycling of solid waste generated in households.

A special case for analysis is the creation of the responsibility of the waste generator. The law defines the regulated waste which includes: batteries, oils and lubricants, tires and electrical appliances, among others. For this item, the collection objectives and their valuation are still expected.

This new legal framework promotes a system generating "green jobs" innovative and energy efficient and raw materials. At least 60,000 people who work informally as recyclers should be integrated into the new solid waste management system.

This will allow the systematic collection of reusable and reusable waste. This will ensure the creation of formal and stable jobs, also reducing the municipal burden for household waste management.

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