Chile reactivates the petition to the United States of extradition of the author of the murder of Víctor Jara


Chile's Ministry of Foreign Affairs reactivated the United States' request for extradition. of the former Chilean Pedro Barrientos, material author of the murder of the famous singer-songwriter Víctor Jara in 1973, reports the newspaper La Tercera

"We sent to the United States the basic information on this request of Extradition, an emblematic case in our country, because of the nature of the investigation and the figure and the influence of Víctor Jara in our culture, "said the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero.C is "a cause of human rights violations " and that is why "it was essential to reactivate this case , pending for some time. "

Barrientos is in the United States since 1990, where he was declared guilty of extrajudicial killing of the singer-songwriter you. The Chilean Justice asked the US for the first time. the extradition of the former official in 2013, but the trial still remains unanswered.

Víctor Jara, author of such questions as "19459006" Zamba del Che "El Right to Live in Peace ]"; or & # 39; To desalambrar, was tortured and ransacked in September 1973, a few days after the coup d'etat that established the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet . [ad_2]
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