China opens the door to an agreement that prevents a trade war with the United States.


Beijing assures that it will not take any tariff or trade action before Washington, leaving room for a last-minute deal to avoid a trade war that, without active negotiations that seem to stop, will begin tomorrow, when the United States will impose tariffs. to a series of products from China for a total of 34 billion US dollars.

China's finance ministry yesterday issued a statement denying reports that, due to the jet lag that puts the Asian giant 12 hours earlier than the United States, Beijing would begin to implement the measures before Washington. A Bloomberg note, anonymously confirmed by two Chinese officials, pointed in that direction. But the authority said that "we will never launch the first shot, we will not impose any tariffs before the United States."

If neither country reverses, Chinese products would start paying a 25% duty to enter the United States. Only from midnight, when Beijing is Friday at noon

In response, the Chinese government could start applying tariffs at the same time, or wait for 12 hours and start taxing imports from the United States. United since the early hours of Saturday

But the Donald Trump government is assured that it will respond with tariffs of $ 200,000 million if China retaliates, and $ 200,000 million. he does not give up. The Asian giant has not defined an answer

However, the application of taxes to the import is only one aspect of the war between the two economies.

The government of Xi Jinping also evaluates the actions taken against the big companies of the country. United States that have operations in their country, including Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Disney and Apple. Some of them, however, have a participation of the Chinese state, which complicates the measures.

Analysts also point out that Beijing could create administrative bottlenecks for US imports.

For his part, Trump, who gave up last week to apply an emergency law to curb Chinese investment in the United States, could change his mind. This could also increase the pressure against companies such as Huawei or ZTE, prohibiting the importation of their products.

All are measures under evaluation and their application will depend on what will happen until Friday. But according to the director of Asia Analytica in Hong Kong, Pauline Loong, at Bloomberg, "at this point, there is no room to back down."

"China has already made preparations as soon as the United States implements the call According to the tariff schedule, China will take the necessary measures to firmly protect its legitimate interests," said the spokesman from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lu Kang, without going into details.

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