China praises airlines for changing references to Taiwan | In the world


  Photo: AP

Photo: AP | AP

China congratulated the international airlines for honoring their request to stop making Taiwan an independent country on their websites, which caused friction between Beijing and Washington.

] United States _American Airlines, Delta and United_ joined others who eliminated references to Taiwan from their sites by China's Wednesday deadline. Many simply mention Taipei, the capital, as a destination, omitting the name of Taiwan.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has described the changes as "positive progress". China welcomes foreign companies if they "obey Chinese laws and regulations, sovereignty and the territorial feelings and feelings of Chinese ," said ministry spokesman Geng Shuang. At night, the 44 airlines that had received the change request from the Chinese Air Authority had complied, reported the People's Daily, official newspaper of the Communist Party.

China claims Taiwan as a separatist province since the 1949 civil war and threatens to annex it by force. The continental government uses its economic and political weight to get countries and businesses to stop recognizing the island government.

Government officials in Washington strongly criticized China's claim to Taiwan's designation and tried to negotiate with their Chinese counterparts. , to which Beijing refused. The White House struck out the order of "Orwellian nonsense".

China represents a crucial market for many international airlines and could move the United States from first place for 2022, from the camera of the International Air Transport Association (IATA ).


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