China will respond to the EU with more tariffs


The Chinese Ministry of Commerce on Wednesday declared the new list of US tariffs "totally unacceptable" and announced that it would impose countermeasures and file a new complaint with the World Trade Organization. (WTO). for the measure of the United States, and the Chinese government, as always, will have to react to defend the fundamental interests of our nation and our people, "he said in a statement.

China counter-attacked United States with equivalent restrictive measures twice, first, a rate hike that had an impact on US foreign purchases of Chinese products for $ 3,000 million, then another tariff increase for $ 36,000 million. dollars.

With tensions rising rapidly, House of Ways and Means President Kevin Brady on Tuesday urged President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping to "meet face to face to create a solution that establishes a fair and sustainable trade relationship between our two countries. "

The United States released Tuesday a list of products imported from China for $ 200 billion a year would charge a 10% tariff as a result of commercial reprisals established by President Jinping's government on US products.

Trump announced Thursday that it would impose another $ 14 billion import tax on Chinese products in a "We call on the international community to work together to safeguard the rules of free trade and the multilateral trading system, and jointly oppose commercial hegemonism, "said the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

Chin filed two WTO complaints for US tariffs, both for steel and aluminum, which impacted Chinese imports for $ 3 billion, as well as those for the United States. from an investigation into the theft of intellectual property and other illegal practices, But the WTO can not remedy the trade differences between the United States and China, said Tuesday the 39th US Ambassador Dennis Shea at a meeting of the agency in Geneva, Switzerland

. "Given China's growing and growing role in international trade and the serious damage it causes to China's trading partners in its mercantilist approach to trade and investment, this settling of can no longer be deferred. "

] "It is clear, moreover, that the WTO does not currently propose all the necessary tools to remedy this situation," he added at the meeting for the revision of the Chinese Trade Policy

China's growing economic power and its openness policy have led to an increasing involvement in global economic institutions and economic commitments to the world. from the rest of the world.

China is expected to spend more than $ 1 trillion on international initiatives such as the One-Belt Project, One Road and the creation of two investment banks: the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Development Bank (NDB).

But, from the American point of view, China does not compete with the soil. For example, it is actively seeking to develop its semiconductor industry with investments abroad, particularly in the United States, and aims to restrict the access of global companies to the Chinese semiconductor market.

The United States created government funds to finance foreign acquisitions that accelerate the development of high technology in China, including $ 107.5 billion in national and regional investment funds for semiconductors established by the Ministry of Industry and Information in 2014. [19659002] [email protected]

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