Chris Brown was arrested in Florida and left millions of dollars on bail | United States | Celebrities | Rihanna | Video | Shows


The great agitation provoked in his fans the news of arrest of Chris Brown after the last concert that he had offered to the Coral Sky Ampitheater, located in West Palm Beach County, in Florida (United States), as reported by the AP Agency

Official sources announced that the singer had been taken to carceleta handcuffed under the serious crime of aggression, a charge that adds to his violent prison record.

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After the broadcast various news media came to the Florida police station, however, they could not find Chris Brown in the carceleta because he had been released after paying a millionaire bail.

The former partner of Rihanna had to pay 2 thousand US dollars to obtain his parole, for this reason only was at most 10 minutes in the carceleta.

As recalled, the 29-year-old singer was already in prison after being also reported for assault on his girlfriend of the time Rihanna an act that He had to plead guilty. Similarly, in 2016, he was arrested again for threatening a gun with a woman who was at his home in Los Angeles.

For now, Chris Brown has not spoken to the media, he just posted a video in the Instagram Instagram section where he is wearing a shirt and gesturing disagree in front of his cell phone camera.

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