Cicpc and PEB beat and threatened a journalist for recording an event in Puerto Ordaz


Photo: Carlos Eduardo Vargas

Ciudad Guayana .- The photojournalist, Wuilmer Barrero, with over 30 years in the state media of Bolívar, was physically assaulted and verbally on Tuesday 10 July by officials Body of Scientific, Criminal and Criminological Investigations (CICPC) for recording with his camera an alleged confrontation with a criminal gang in the Orinokia shopping center in Puerto Ordaz

The journalist was a few meters from the distance capturing the event when the commission of the Cicpc was thrown at him, threw him on the pavement, kicked him violently and destroyed his work team.

According to Barrero's testimony, upon receiving the beatings, he listened to officials threatening to kill him . Later, he was handcuffed to the sub-delegation of CICPC, where he was detained for about three hours

After his release, he was transferred to a health center with the address of the newspaper for a medical exam. The newspaper Primicia to which belongs the photojournalist, publishes a statement in which he rejects the assaults suffered by the State and the scientific police in the exercise of its functions. He also stated that even though he was suffering and that he was carrying obvious blows, he was in good health.

It appeared that Barrero had arrived at the scene with journalists Carlos Eduardo Vargas and Diana Medina. controlled in which participated Freddyn Parababith Parra, aka "El Fredy" one of the most wanted criminals in the state Delta Amacuro and part of a gang dedicated to the traffic drugs and hired killers.

Alias ​​"El Fredy" was apparently executed inside a white Ford Explorer truck. Photo: Carlos Eduardo Vargas

Apparently, Cicpc officials had days to research the subject. By finding him in one of the most important commercial establishments in Ciudad Guayana, there was a confrontation – according to witnesses – that left the dead antisocial.

Other people who testified say that Cicpc officials ambushed. "Entering the mall in a Ford brand truck, model Explorer, white color and without a word, killed him inside." The police commission, after executing the offender, took four bags containing money inside the vehicle

Those who accompanied the "Fredy" fired their weapons and fled into a wooded area, a few meters from the center Commercial: Read more: Cicpc will investigate the detective who shot Lara against his ex-partner's vehicle

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