Cicpc attacked a photojournalist in Ciudad Guayana after photographing an alleged execution



The National Union of Press Workers (Sntp), denounced that Tuesday, July 10, officials of the Instance of Scientific and Criminal Investigation (CICPC ), beat and threatened the photojournalist Wilmer Barrero, of Diario Primicia of Ciudad Guayana

Through his Twitter account, the Sntp reports that the cameraman was broken after capturing in images the execution of a man. From 3 pm onwards, representatives of the journalistic union had no information about Barrero's whereabouts. At 6:30 pm, it was learned that the communicator was being held at a Cicpc headquarters from which he was later released

Wilmer Barrero was arrested by the CICPC for taking a photo of a police execution

Carlos Eduardo Vargas, a journalist accompanying the photographer of the newspaper Primicia, informed the union that Cicpc officials had threatened Barrero with a firearm.

Attacks on the Press

The union reports that from January to June 2018 there are 213 acts of aggression against newspaper workers for different reasons. Of these, 26 are attacks on the media through closures, sanctions and blockades and 87 attacks on press workers.

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