»Ciudad Guayana: united by bridges


Before transportation between San Felix and Puerto Ordaz was in boats and curiaras.

Before there were bridges that joined San Felix and Puerto Ordaz, communication was done through curiaras and barges

Hildelisa Cabello Requena in his book Historia Regional del Estado Bolívar recounts the journey that the workers made along the river. from the Orinoco Mining Company (WTO)

"The WTO … through the Ministry of Transport offered a boat service to workers who had to cross the Caroni River daily."

"Three vessels were used by the company Cabello wrote:

According to the book, in 1960 it was calculated that 16,102 workers were using river transport.

In addition, d & # 39; other means were used to move the inhabitants of San Felix to Puerto Ordaz and vice versa.

From Puerto Libre, Puerto Ordaz, Dalla Costa, San Felix, the transit that was made by the barges. [19659002In1961PuertoOrdazandSanFelixjoinedinonlyonecitybutitwasonlyin1964thatthecitywasphysicallyjoinedbyabridge

River seemed exciting, but it was necessary to shorten the time of transfer

United by bridges

That is why, on May 23, 1964, was inaugurated the first bridge on the Caroni River: the Caroni bridge.

According to the catalog cultural heritage of the municipality, this one has a structure composed of two continuous beams of your precompressed 10,000 tons of weight each.

It is supported by ten piles of reinforced concrete which are anchored

Measuring about 480 meters, has two transit channels and beams were built on the ground.

This bridge has ramps at the bottom where you can walk between San Felix and Puerto Ordaz. [19659002] Unfortunately, people do not use them for fear that someone might steal them on the way.

This two section bridge is an icon of the union between the Guayacitans. To reinforce his symbolism, another bridge was built next to him a few years later.

Simón Yegres, a mechanical engineer and former representative of the Zoning Commission of the College of Engineers of Ciudad Guayana, said the bridges are completely independent. He said that there could be confusion because of their location, but in reality they are two different bridges, which do not meet.

He recalled the difference that they have, which is the pedestrian crossing and two sentry posts that the first one has; there are also two canals and the other three

More bridges, more union

In 1990, the Angosturita bridge was inaugurated, a private bridge that has a railway that serves to connect the ports from Palúa and Puerto Ordaz

Yegres recalled that it is a bridge that has received awards for its avant-garde construction.

He noted the prize of Special Mention National Construction Award 1992-1993 granted by the Venezuelan Chamber of Construction.

He also mentioned the Excellence in Concrete Award 1994, awarded by the Venezuelan Association of Concrete Industry Ready to Use.

According to the catalog of the cultural heritage of the municipality of Caroní, construction began in 1986 and ended in 1990.

It has a length of 468.75 meters in total and was made of reinforced concrete .

Later, in the late 1990s, the bridge known as Macagua was built, the last of the four Yegres bridges commented that Ciudad Guayana is one of the few cities that has the privilege of Be joined by bridges.

He stated that in planning the city, there is the possibility of building two more bridges on the Caroni River. the Caroni River

He claimed that the municipality should take advantage of the rivers to create tourism opportunities.

He said that although bridges require constant preventative maintenance, they do not currently receive it. He proposed the recovery of the bridges that connect Ciudad Guayana.


View of the bridge of Caroni which connects San Felix and Puerto Ordaz

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<p class= Old Boats Used to Move


The Bridges from Guayana Avenue seen from below


Vision of the Angosturita Bridge ] [19659002]  noticia-del-dia-6

The Canals of the Macagua Bridge, the youngest of all Other Bridges

Si món Yegres commented that although on the river Caroni there are four bridges, in the city parks and other spaces there are more bridges that represent the union of the citizens.

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