Clear Accounts: It Would Divide Kim Kardashian's and Kanye West's Wealth in Divorce


As the tide comes and goes, rumors of separation between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West return to occupy blankets. From the magazine Life & Style to In Touch review of the critical heart with emphasis that the couple is going through a serious crisis because of the continuous exabruptos of the rapper, who can not measure his words. His erratic behavior does not help him either. Relatives of the couple say that Kim is tired of so much trouble and wants to return to his "old life".

Not only did she admit the anger of her soulmate, but the rapper addressed the incident in the song – ] Do not go away, from his last album & # 39; Ye & # 39; When the production was presented, Kim herself acknowledged that she cried when she heard the song because she was documenting the bitter episode . Despite their differences, both refused a break .

Faced with this recent wave of divorce rumors, the implications of a separation of these two heavyweights from the music and musical industry are beginning to be discussed publicly. entertainment: what would happen with the guard children ?, how the goods would be divided ?, how much money is at stake?

Kim and Kanye swore eternal love on May 24, 2014 in a dream wedding in the Forte di Belvedere in Florence, Italy. Almost a year earlier, on June 3, 2013, his first daughter was born North West . Then come Saint and finally Chicago

wedding capitulations

Before officially joining their lives the couple would have signed a prenuptial agreement according to the news portal of entertainment RadarOnline . In this document, Kanye and Kim have stipulated that the largest of the Kardashians will receive one million dollars for each year of marriage up to a ceiling of 10 million .

The title of his Bel Air Manor would be placed in the name of Kim, although the interpreter of "Gold Digger" would pay most of the costs of buying the property. The businesswoman would keep all the jewels and gifts that she would receive from her husband.

The money that Kim generates through his business would not be divided. The incomes of & # 39; Keeping in touch with the Kardashians & # 39 ;, their product lines (clothing, make-up and perfume) and their promotional appearances, according to capitulations (marriage agreements), will be considered as a separate gain and only .

One of Kanye's life insurance policies valued at $ 20 million, would name Kim as a lifetime beneficiary even in the event of divorce. Even though they already had a daughter at the time of the marriage, the couple did not agree on the custody arrangements.

In 2014, In Touch estimated Kanye's fortune at 100 million dollars and Kim's fortune. in 40 million but a note from the portal TMZ questioned this calculation and pointed out that the fortune of the socialite was greater than that of the rapper, although it was not 39, offered no number.

In early 2018, the magazine Time and the portal Celebrity Net Worth calculated Kim's property at $ 175 million while the magazine Time identifies him as most famous and richest member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan. Celebrity Net Worth also estimated Kanye's fortune at $ 160 million. On the basis of these calculations, the couple's capital would have increased by 239% during the four years of marriage, which would mean that the combined capital of the two celebrities would be about 335 million dollars. ]

Given the capitulations, a possible divorce between Kim and Kanye should not be a very heavy process, at least in the economic line, since there are agreements beforehand defined, but the absence of an arrangement regarding the custody of their three children leaves the door open to a possible confrontation

It must be remembered that a prenuptial agreement does not guarantee a divorce without drama. The well-known leader Bobby Flay and his wife, actress Stephanie March engaged in a tortuous separation despite the fact that they had established marriage agreements before getting married. And after their separation, the actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (who also signed a prenuptial agreement) do not fight for money, but they fight tooth and nail for the custody of their six children ]

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