Collect 700 tons of pots


For the first time in León, 700 tons of pots potentially suitable for breeding the dengue mosquito have been removed.

In order to eliminate all the pots accumulated at home, the integrated public toilet system Leon worked this year in a transversal way with the Secretary of Health, the State of Guanajuato, the Directorate General of Social and Human Development, Municipal Health, Municipal Housing Institute and General Directorate of Social Communication, to disseminate, assist and promote the importance of Descacharrización in the prevention of dengue fever in the Leon colonies.

During the year, citizens were worried about the reproduction of the mosquito carrying dengue fever. The program of attention has been extended from Monday to Saturday to remove pots such as cups, buckets, bottles and all waste from their homes. the time has been collected by the authorities.

The Leon I, Margaritas, San Felipe de Jesus, Los Angeles, Las Americas, Dié de Mayo, Santa María de Cementos, Los Olivos, Lomas Vista Hermosa, Nueva Candelaria, Chapalita, San Sebastián and Medina colonies are among 190 attended during these months.

With the rainy season, many houses have begun to create these accumulations of water, bottles, tires or old buckets, which causes a greater proliferation of mosquitoes in the regions.

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