Colombian Minister says Venezuela's Hunger Network operates from the EU


The information collected and shared by the financial intelligence units of Colombia, Mexico, Panama and the United States serves to "make the world understand that hunger in Venezuela is an induced hunger", provoked by "the Corruption, "explained Cardenas during an interview with Efe in Madrid

The Minister, who participated in the Spanish capital at a seminar on infrastructure organized by the CAF-Development Bank of Latin America , is one of the members of the task force set up by the Colombian, Mexican, Panamanian and American governments to detect and combat the corrupt networks linked to the Venezuelan regime Nicolás Maduro's regime.

The group met last week in Cartagena (Colombia) to review the case of the Venezuelan Local Supply and Production Committees (CLAP), promoted by the Maduro government and tasked from the distribution s

Cárdenas explained that there is a network that sells these premium foods and diverts funds "that are kept in the accounts of officials or figures of the Maduro regime."

Some people and companies of this corrupt cadre operates from EU countries and was therefore invited to the next meeting of the group, scheduled for September in Washington, at the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Torture. money laundering (Sepblac) and the monetary offenses of Spain.

According to Cárdenas, "the prosecutor's offices will also be involved" in the four countries of the working group, given that "the case is now ready to move to the imputation stage. . "

The work of financial intelligence units "will be a decisive contribution to the decisions" in the face of the crisis in Venezuela "that can be taken on the scene not only judicial but also political," said the Minister . He stressed during the interview "the extraordinarily positive moment" that, according to him, Colombia is living, while regretting that during the last electoral campaign, the "discredit" of the country was used as an instrument politics without any support "

. "There has been a lot of" false news "about the situation in Colombia", according to Cárdenas, who will hand over the Treasury's portfolio to Alberto Carrasquilla in August, when he will assume the new government of the elected president, Iván Duque.

The transitional meetings that he already held with his successor were "very cordial, very fluid and with a very constructive spirit," he added.

According to him, "the next government will find an economy recovering, with growth accelerating," after a "difficult adjustment" to the new reality of "coexisting with lower oil revenues" and "structural" changes such as peace agreements with the guerrillas Like the FARC

During the electoral process "there is a tendency to decontextualize and to put a scenario that is not real", since "l & rsquo; Colombian economy is in one of its strongest and strongest moments, "said Cárdenas., The good indicators of foreign investment, access to finance and l & # 39; arrival of tourists

"The country is on the right track, the next government will be able to reap a lot of what is sown by this government", he insisted The conference "Infrastructures for the integration of the 39 Latin America ", organized at the House of the & # 39; America, Monday convened Ministers and Heads of Economy, Finance and Planning of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. personalities

This is the first annual conference of the CAF-Development Bank of Latin America in Spain, in order to be a permanent forum for dialogue where political representatives and representatives of the private sector shares its experiences and proposals for public-private partnerships. EFE / RA

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