Conas arrested two Faes agents for extortion


Euseglimar González | THE Lara PRESS.- Two officers assigned to the special forces of action (FAES) were arrested on Tuesday afternoon by the Group Cona anti-extortion and kidnappings, after receiving a complaint about an alleged extortion in dollars.

Police sources knew that the 31-year-old had arrived at the headquarters of the National Command Against Extortion and Kidnapping (Conas) to denounce extortion by some security officers. The man alleged that the uniform would have asked him for $ 500 to return his Mitsubishi vehicle brand, model MF, color vinotinto.

Sources said the army, after receiving the victim's complaint, accepted a "controlled" delivery. The "rendezvous" was located near the Plaza Bolivar de Barquisimeto, located in 26th Street, between the 16th and 17th streets.

The source explained that the victim had taken a package simulating the money upon his arrival at the scene, supposedly, there would have been both police and that at the time he would have handed over the "payment agents" of Conas They fell to put the hooks.

Informally, it was learned that the two arrested officers are: Kember Camacho (27) and Yonnathan Chirinos (27), both of officer rank, who belong to the FAES Bolivarian National Police (PNB).

According to a police report, the army seized three cell phones as evidence; one van and three firearms, both officers were taken into custody until the command of the Conas and they were put in the order of Fourth Prosecutor's Office.

Apparently, the presentation hearing will take place today in the same place. Court will dictate measure of guardian those indicated by extortion.

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