»Conas saved a kidnapped teenager


The minor had a month in captivity. They seized weapons and cartridges of different calibres.

The telephony analysis allowed the staff of the National Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Command (Conas) to find the location of the alleged kidnappers of a 13-year-old boy [19659003]. In the afternoon of this Thursday, the commissions went to the La Pedreda area, at kilometer 70 of the old Ciudad Bolívar-Puerto Ordaz highway

In an improvised house with pieces of wood and trees, the subjects owed his victim for a month

The tactical team Conas approached, but before entering, they were surprised by three individuals who were under the care of the teenager.

The people involved barely noticed that the police had taken out their firearms. and they started shooting.

The attack was answered by the army, causing a bullet cross for several minutes, until one of the suspects collapsed.

on a health center in the area, but after his arrival, he died. The subject did not carry any documents to identify.

The site was taken for money, so immediately the teenager was saved by the commissions. According to the authorities, the victim is "in perfect health".

At the time, the army seized a .357 caliber revolver, with seven smooth cartridges: a Glock pistol. millimeters with deposited series; two chargers and 34 cartridges.

They also recovered two cargo vehicles and a cell phone. During the proceedings, two persons were arrested

The persons in charge of the case did not reveal their identity.


The official version says that after rescuing the minor, the army continued

During the early hours of Friday, several raids were conducted near the town. where the shooting took place

Within a farm, the troops spotted weapons of different calibers

15, a UZI rifle with noise suppressor, four AR 15 chargers, two chargers d & # 39; Snail a UZI charger and a Glock 32 cartridge charger.

In reviewing, they also located 85 Cartridges of 7.62 caliber; 90 cartridges 5.56 three antipersonnel grenades; a paralyzing grenade; three cylinders of explosives; two smoke grenades; five transmitting radios; five black jackets and two caps with acronyms of Cicpc

The victim was kidnapped a month ago in Ciudad Bolívar

The teenager left with his parents of the national final of a championship of coleados bulls, when they were intercepted by

Individuals took the young man in a van

From this moment, the calls for extortion began. Offenders claim 15 grams of gold for the release of the teenager.

For fear, the parents refuse to make a complaint, but before the constant calls, they decide to go to the headquarters of Conas, in Puerto Ordaz

. They listened to the statements and began the investigations

Two weeks took the troops to locate the officials.

Modus operandi

Conas explained that the subjects are members of a gang who are engaged in the crimes of abduction and extortion

The group consists of at least 15 men carrying weapons of different calibres.

It is mainly about former police officers. They operate in Puerto Ordaz and Ciudad Bolivar.

The method used by criminals is to study who will be their next victim. They find families with a high purchasing power. They usually ask for a ransom of gold

To confuse, they use clothing with acronyms from the CICPC.


The case was notified to the corresponding Procuratorate. Inmates will be presented in the next few hours

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