Confirm two cases of indigenous measles in the city and province – 20/07/2018


The Ministry of Health of the Nation confirmed two cases of measles in babies through an epidemiological alert in which he urged to take control measures.

They are a 5-month-old child from the city of Buenos Aires, who started with symptoms on July 12 and another six-month-old girl from the province of Buenos Aires, who had fever and rashes on next day.

"The two cases presented compatible clinical signs (fever, rash, cough and conjunctivitis), so far with a good evolution, both cases were confirmed by IgM serology and detection of the viral genome by PCR in the urine and the respiratory sample ". Ministry of Health by Adolfo Rubinstein, who ordered concentration control actions in the corresponding areas and research is being developed to determine the source of infection Measles "observe =" "data-observer-function =" loadLazyImg "/>


"The day of the date (for yesterday) the confirmation of 2 cases of measles frequented in the city of Buenos Aires is received.In view of this situation and the general epidemiological context, the Ministry of Health of the Nation exhorts the health teams in to check the immunization status of the population, to sensitize to the epidemiological surveillance of febrile exanthematous disease and to react quickly.

A few months ago, there were case of measles in the pre-World Cup Russia in 2018 and warnings were issued in this respect.

On new cases, In a dialogue with Clarín, Carla Vizzotti, President of the Argentine Immunization Society and Epidemiology (SAVE), explained: " They are two babies who have not traveled, who have not been vaccinated because they were not in age to get vaccinated. investigate if they had any contact with someone who has traveled. The confirmation was yesterday and the places where they were, possible links are being investigated. "

In the case of the baby who contracted the disease in March, the investigation determined three weeks after being infected by coinciding in a Clinic in Buenos Aires with a 21-year-old unvaccinated man who had contracted the virus during a trip to Thailand

The specialist called not to confuse indigenous with endemic case.With no travel history, the cases of the two babies registered in the capital and province are considered indigenous because They contracted the virus in the country: "To be considered endemic, the virus must circulate for 12 months." In Argentina, we have no more endemic cases since 2000 ] If it is determined that they have traveled abroad, import related cases will be taken into account.This is a very likely situation in an international context with so much of cases, hospitalizations and deaths In Brazil, nearly 700 cases and four deaths have already been recorded "he said.

"What worries us a lot is that we have a cohort of sensitive subjects and new cases may appear," warns the infectious disease specialist. , former immunization officer of the Ministry of Health, carried out the latest national measles and congenital rubella vaccination surveillance campaign in 2012, in which an obligatory additional dose of triple viral to children is applied from 1 to 4 years regardless of the calendar year, to "consolidate the elimination" of these diseases The next was to take place between September and October, but was postponed to the months of October and to November have ensured the supply of inputs.

"The higher the risk, the greater the risk of hatching" said Vizzotti, who nevertheless said that these two new cases do not change The important thing, underlines he, is that the whole population (not only children) checks their vaccination certificates


How is it transmitted?

By air and spreads easily when the person infected, it eliminates respiratory secretions by speaking, coughing or sneezing or being in contact with a contaminated object. The virus can live for up to 2 hours on contaminated surfaces.

What are the symptoms?

They usually appear between 8 and 12 days after infection and are: high fever; nasal discharge, conjunctivitis and coughing; small white spots on the inside of the cheek;


They may be caused by the same virus or bacterial superinfection and include: severe diarrhea, ear infections, laryngotracheobronchitis (croup), pneumonia. , meningoencephalitis, seizures, and occasionally death.

Post-infectious sequelae may also occur, such as blindness (due to vitamin A deficiency), subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), chronic degenerative neurological disorder, severe and fatal (1 case per 100,000 cases of measles).

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