Congo's Ministry of Health Indicates End of Ebola Epidemic | news


The Minister of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Oly Ilunga reported Tuesday that the end of the ninth Ebola outbreak in the country.

In statements made to local media, the official pointed out that the ministry was ending the epidemic of after not reporting any cases of fever infection for 42 days

. On July 24, 2018, the outbreak of Ebola was declared in the province of Ecuador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Said the minister

. In Ecuador, between April 1st and June 3rd, 53 cases of virus were reported, of which 29 died, reports an informative source.

>> They warn against the possible spread of Ebola virus outside the DRC

On May 8, the DRC detected the ninth outbreak in the DRC

On the 8th of May, the DRC detected the ninth outbreak at the same time, the state has intensified vaccinations in communities that have registered contacts with infected people in order to counter the infection rates of the disease. .

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