Correa says Moreno is a "compulsive liar" after speech in Madrid | In the world


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President Rafael Correa called his successor and current president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, a "compulsive liar" who has "fixation" on him, after the speech that 39, he pronounced today in a "Moreno is a compulsive liar," said Correa on his Twitter account referring to the statements of the Ecuadorian President in Spain, where he ended today a visit of three days with a meeting with businessmen and journalists.

In his speech, the Ecuadorian President referred Correa in harsh terms – he called him among others "rogue barrio" – and declared that he had withdrawn of the National Assembly on the day of its inauguration on May 24, 2017, when he began to talk about "freedoms".

"In Spain, he said that I left the assembly when he started talking about" freedoms ". As it was programmed, "Correa said in several messages, recalling that he was sick that day and went immediately to the hospital.

He also pointed out as" extreme "the "fixation" that Moreno supposedly on him by accusing him of all ills, country, and "crimes, kidnapping and corruption of the resources of the state."

"Poor man. Young people: it is the resource of the mediocre, when he tries to hide his ineptitude ", abounds the former president, who has resided in Belgium since he left his post.

And remember that, if he refers to the killings of General ] Jorge Gabela in 2010, and the political abduction of the opposition Fernando Balda, in 2012, to the l & # 39; Moreno was his vice-president.

"Idiot, accomplice, or lies? Draw your own conclusions, "urges the public, to whom he also asks for" apologies "for" leaving Ecuador in the hands of someone like that. "

Correa is required by his country's justice system not to appear before the National Court of Justice on 2 March, as part of the preventive measures that were applied to him after having been criminally linked to the cause. from the Balda case.

In his speech titled "Saliendo del abismo", Moreno developed the situation in one that found Ecuador after the presidency of Correa, and the policies that should bring it to democracy and democracy. 39; opening. "19659006" On corruption, you can not pass one because, when you pass, everything is gone; and that's what happened in the last government, "he said at the informative meeting with reference to his predecessor, who ruled Ecuador between 2007 and 2017.

Moreno l & # 39 also accused of wanting to "perpetuate itself" excessive public spending and high level of corruption


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