Corruption led parties to debacle


CITY OF MEXICO, (THE UNIVERSAL) .- PRI, PAN, PRD and New Alliance recognized that the distance of political institutes with society and corruption led them to the electoral debacle of July 1. They pointed out that, for this reason, Andrés Manuel López Obrador has managed to become the winning phenomenon, more than Morena.


Camerino Mrquez Madrid, PRD national councilor, stressed that the party must recognize its mistakes and be a responsible opposition. He explained that it was the Aztec sun that, in the late 1980s, was struggling to democratize the political regime in Mexico.

Now, he says, the triumph of López Obrador and him as an important political actor in the transformation of the PAN, Juan Carlos Romero Hicks pointed out that the loss of values ​​in the institutions, the poverty and inequality, insecurity and corruption the cigars that kill the country. He added that PAN must be an internal exercise of humility, sensitivity and common sense.

Beatriz Pagés, of the PRI, the party that suffered the greatest debacle that political organizations that do not assume defeat "are out of reality." The former governor of Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz (PRI), said that AMLO "knew how to read citizen fatigue.

The national leader of Nueva Alianza, Luis Castro Obregn, asserted that it was the model of economic development that was responsible for generating conditions that reached a limit and a deficit that became untenable

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