CPJ: Ecuador has improved in terms of freedom of the press


QUITO (AP) – The last annual report of the Committee for the Protection of Journalists stated that the President Lenin Moreno changed the relationship of ] Ecuador with the media

Although many journalists remain cautious, it seems that repression against the press has stopped. According to the Committee's document (CPJ), the president adopted a position "radically different from that of his predecessor Rafael Correa (2007-2017), who severely criticized the Ecuadorian press and approved one of the most restrictive media laws in the region. "

The report was prepared after a mission of this organization in March, when he visited the main media and met with journalists from Quito and Guayaquil .

CPJ stated that beyond change, reporters maintain that they will remain cautious until Moreno fulfills the promises of reform of the Communications Act and the law. abolition of the regulatory body responsible for sanctions.

Until Superintendence Communications, the sanctioning entity, is eliminated, "Ecuadorian journalists will continue to work with fear," said the agency. The media and journalists of Correa's government were not only prosecuted, but they were frequently punished administratively and economically. In addition, the former president has also advanced millionaire lawsuits against the media and journalists.

One of the most important was the defamation suit against the newspaper El Universo, which was fined $ 42 million at the last minute. CPJ said that after a repressive decade, Ecuador offers "a positive example and at the same time a warning to other countries in Latin America and other parts of the world that .. there is a return to freedom of the press. "

Moreno took power in May of last year and since then he has progressively moved away from the governmental structure of Correa, his friend and predecessor, with whom he distanced himself because of criticism and insults he directed. former president on social networks

In this article:

  • Ecuador
  • Quito
  • Committee for the Protection of Journalists
  • Lenín Moreno

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