CR7, at age 33, has the physique of a 20-year-old player


Page Seven / Agencies

At age 33, Cristiano Ronaldo has a 20-year-old football player, according to sources at Juventus, the new club of the Portuguese star.

Cristiano Ronaldo has 50% muscle mass, while the average athlete is 46%. Instead, it only has 7% body fat, while the average of a professional footballer is 10 to 11%.

Another sign of his physical power is that the Portuguese striker manages to climb up to 76 centimeters in vertical jump. In fact, in the Chilean goal that dazzled fans of the Juventus stadium in the decisive game of the Champions League between Juventus and what was then their team, Real Madrid, CR7 relegated the goal shot to 2 ,10 foot. These dramatic figures in the medical journal with Turn's Juventus also had an equivalent response from Cristiano Ronaldo in his field performance data.

As, in the statistics collected at the 2018 World Cup, Cristiano recorded a maximum speed of 33.98 kilometers per hour in at least one sprint, a record that none of the other stars of the tournament, including the explosive Kylian Mbapp, did not reach, at 19 years old.

In April, another study found that by his physical conditions, biologically Christian has a body of a young man of 23 years, three more than those who made themselves known in Italy (Sport).

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