Cristiano Ronaldo: Neymar congratulated the Portuguese for his transfer to Juventus


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Between the cracks are included. Neymar spoke to the press for the first time after being eliminated from World Russia 2018 and came up with several points. In addition to confirming that he will stay at PSG this season, he also talked about Cristiano Ronaldo's famous transfer to Juventus . He was happy that the Luso made this decision

" Cristiano is a great player, a football legend, a genius, he must be respected and I am happy with his decision. , I wish him good luck, except against PSG, "said the Brazilian star who expects to face the Portuguese again in a match for the Champions League

YOU CAN SEE: The particular welcome to Juventus Patrice Evra Cristiano Ronaldo [VIDEO]

With these words, Neymar has not hesitated to praise the decision that a player in the category of Cristiano Ronaldo can take. He blessed his arrival in Serie A and it seemed right that he had decided to leave Real Madrid when he already had all the possible titles with the merengue box.

When they asked Neymar if he wanted to go to Real Madrid to replace the 33-year-old Portuguese striker, he said he was going to continue at PSG. "I have a contract with the club, I went there to take up a challenge and look for new things, I always have the same objective research in my head, nothing has changed in my head".

DO NOT MISS IT: Neymar confirmed his future in an interview with Fox Sports Brazil [VIDEO]

Will they play together someday? This season will be impossible, unless Juventus hires Neymar in the middle of the year or PSG does the same with Cristiano Ronaldo. Nasser Al-Khelaifi president of the Paris team, wanted to join this season at the champion of France, but negotiations with Real Madrid have not flourished.


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