Cristiano Ronaldo signed a contract for Juventus


The Spanish press says that the Portuguese assured the president of the Turin team that he would play with them

CARACAS.- The Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo gave his word to the president of Juventus, Andrea Agnelli, to arrive at the Italian club Real Madrid, according to the Spanish newspaper Marca.

"Cristiano (…) gave the yes to Andrea Agnelli He did not sign He gave his word that in his concept means the same thing", wrote the sports newspaper.

The publication adds that the Portuguese star will leave the team not for money, but for "contempt for his figure" in the name of Florentino Perez, president of Real Madrid, who lowered his clause from 1,000 to 100 million euros.

The Spanish and Italian media have been speculating for days with the transfer. Cristiano said recently that he had missed the recognition of the Madrid leadership for his achievements.

Cristiano Ronaldo's agent, Jorge Mendes, did not confirm the signature of the Portuguese star, but he did not deny the rumors of the move.

According to what he told the Record newspaper on Thursday, if the 33-year-old arrives in Turin, it will be a new stage and a new challenge in his career.

In case of change, added the representative, Ronaldo he will be grateful to the club, its president, directors, workers, group and fans of Real Madrid.

Otherwise, Marca informed that agreement for the Portuguese to reach the Italian champion was a fait accompli.

The agent has submitted an offer of at least 100 euros for the player. According to the Spanish and Italian media, Juventus is ready to pay this amount

Will the transfer market tremble?

Even in the World Cup, the eyes are turned to CR7: will he continue in Madrid or will he look for a new challenge? in Italy?

Should he opt for the second option, his signature could be the beginning of a powerful summer of transfers, with several stars this month in Russia as protagonists.

Harry Kane, Kylian Mbappé and Neymar are some names that seem to change the air before starting next season.

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