Critical lack of emergency plan for the oil spill in Maturin


Juan Pablo García, deputy to the National Assembly for the state Vargas, criticized Saturday the lack of an emergency plan before the oil spill occurred in the Jusepín parish of the state of Monagas and that affects the Guarapiche River of the entity.

"The lack of an emergency plan and prevention policies worsens the oil spill situation by accusing the people of Maturin of being a victim," said Mr. Garcia on his Twitter

On his side, the Iranian journalist Acosta that the entity's governor, Yelitza Santaella, ordered the suspension of drinking water service in Maturin for at least 10 hours, by measure Precautionary in the Guarapiche River

"Oil Minister Manuel Quevedo moved to the eastern region and did an overflight in the area that could be assigned to assess the level of damage," Acosta said in his Twitter.

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