CryptoChile Association supports before trial Orionx lawsuit against BancoEstado | CryptoNews


Among the personalities that make up the CryptoChile association are Eduardo Lemp, director of business development at Consensys; Andrés Junge, Principal Architect of Consensys; Agustin Feuerhake of; Edmundo Horta, former member of the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile; and José Antonio Bravo, founder of Kawin and current president of the association.

As a professional association, CryptoChile complies with the legal requirements required by Chilean regulations for this type of association, as stated in the statutes of ] The Association of Companies and Enterprises professionals dedicated to Blockchain and other related technologies in Chile legal name receiving. This document can be downloaded in PDF format

Currently, collects information on companies and individuals who use crypto-active in the country . The survey is conducted online since July 20, according to a tweet shared by one of its founders. In addition to the personal data of each participant, the survey seeks to know the method of financing the project evaluated and the state of development in which it is located. The purpose of this survey, according to information posted on the site, is to create collaborative spaces for those who are interested.

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