Cuba, 65 years after the Moncada assault


San José

"Unfortunately," lamented a host of Havana Cafe, the nightclub of the Cuban capital, "this gentleman is no longer President of the United States". Immediately, he invited the public to observe a huge screen in which appeared Cuban artists' photographs with Barack Obama, in March 2016, during the historic visit that the then US president made to Cuba

. He said, resigned, to recall the nomination of Obama with musicians, singers, dancers and comedians in Havana in unprecedented times for both countries with ties dragged by the turmoil from 1959 to 2014 and whose reciprocal mistrust has dominated over the past 18 months

Following Donald Trump's rise to the US presidency in January 2017, relations faded after, in December 2014, they experienced the thaw, with Obama in the White House and Raúl Castro in the Palace of the Revolution, in a maneuver without antecedents since the revolutionary triumph of 1959.

In conflict with the United States, Cuba will celebrate today the "Day of the Rebellion "National", the 65th anniversary Assault that the rebels led by Fidel Castro launched on July 26, 1953, against the barracks Guillermo Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, in the eastern part of the island, in a commemorative similar to the one that has marked the most celebrations since 1959: the cold between Washington and Havana

The attack failed and Castro and his men fell captive, suffered lethal losses and were sentenced to the prison and in 1955 they were pardoned.

Castro traveled to Mexico and prepared a war of guerrillas deployed at the end of 1956 against the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista (installed in 1952) led to the triumph of January 1, 1959, with the final takeover of the Moncada and disorder with the EU as a factor present after nearly 60 years.

embargo. Broken in 1961, diplomatic relations were reestablished in 2015, although the United States remained almost intact at the center of their connection with Havana: the embargo, the first partial since 1960 and then total after 1962, which imposed Cuba to the nationalization of US companies and to align with the socialist camp then commanded by the now defunct Soviet Union.

With US sanctions in force, a new confrontation came with Trump. In September 2017, the president withdrew much of the American staff on the island when he denounced an acoustic attack that damaged the health of American diplomats in Havana.

In a return to the practices of time of greater bilateral tension, the EU In October, he expelled Cuban diplomats accredited in Washington. The United States has called "apologies for alleged, unsupported, scientific attacks" to remove their officials and paralyze consular services, which "affect hundreds of thousands of people on either side of the Florida Strait," Cubadebate criticized. , a digital newspaper of the Cuban Revolution

Citing "sources" of the Cuban Chancellery, the newspaper reported Tuesday that Cuba had reiterated that the United States was handling "politically and irresponsibly" the issue of "alleged health incidents". "From Its Diplomats

" The State Department has behaved with a lack of transparency and cooperation, despite Cuba's insistent requests to seek a cooperative and comprehensive response, in response to reports that the State Department says that he received from his diplomats, but for which he did not show any evidence, "he added.

Constitution. For Cubans, it is normal to remember the events of 1953 in a crisis situation with the US But at this year's celebration, the second after Castro's death in 2016, a crucial factor was added: a constitutional change.

The revolution announced at the end of the previous week the pieces to repeal the current Constitution (of 1976), to create a new one without the word communism and to accept private property and homosexual marriage, among other reforms.

Although the Pa regime Cuba's Communist Party (CCP) will remain as the sole legal entity, the rector of the society and the government, the state apparatus and state will be varied. The project will be submitted to popular debate this year and then to a referendum

"If anyone had the audacity to suggest the cancellation of the term communism in one of the party congresses chaired by Fidel Castro, he would have been accused at least of revisionism and probably a traitor, "wrote Cuban dissident Reynaldo Escobar in the online journal 14ymedio, which operates on illegality in Cuba.

"Even today, it must be assumed that many old militants find it difficult to accept this suppression and ask altitudes how it is possible that the socialist path is" irrevocable "but the end point of the trip, obligatory destination of this road, is not mentioned, "he argued.

Therefore, in the Cuban panorama, the debate on the impact of the absence of Castro, apart from that Obama who lamented the host of the Havana nightclub.

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