Cuba will limit to 10 years the maximum duration of the presidential office | news


The commission formed by the National Assembly of Cuba to initiate the process of constitutional reform, announced that among the profound changes stipulated a maximum of two legislatures, each of five years, both for the president of the Republic and for the vice-president

In the preliminary draft of 224 articles, the figure of the president and vice-president of the Republic is established, making a change with the current political system, where only the president of the State Council and the ministers that Miguel Díaz-Canel has been holding since 19 April. Likewise, the article details that the president "holds the status of head of state."

The two figures may hold a position "for a period of five years" and "until two consecutive terms."

Granma [19659005] The Commission responsible for the preparation of this project which is composed of 33 deputies and is presided over by the Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, also has the presence of the President of the Councils. State and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, and the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, José Ramón Machado Ventura

The document will be discussed in the National Assembly of People's Power on 21, 22 and 23 of this months, if it is subsequently approved, it will be subject to consultation with The Cuban people, main artisan of this process

The project consists of a preamble and 224 articles, divided into 11 titles , 24 chapters and 16 chapters.

Other proposed changes These in the future Magna Carta are the recognition of private property and prohibition to discriminate against people because of their gender identity.

>> President Díaz-Canel Closes the Congress of Cuban Journalists

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