Cuba will limit to ten years the presidential term in its new Constitution


Cuba will establish in its new Constitution the figure of the President of the Republic as the country's head of state and will limit his term of office to a maximum of two five-year terms, the newspaper reported on Saturday. State Granma.

This media, organ of the Communist Party of Cuba in power, has published a draft of the new Constitution, which will be put to the vote on July 21, 22 and 23 at the plenary session of the National Assembly from Cuba.

instituted the figure of President and Vice President of the Republic, "said the newspaper, which is a change in the current text that establishes the figure of the President of the State Council and Ministers, since Miguel Diaz- Canel occupies after replacing Raúl Castro on 19 April.

The President of the Republic may hold office for a period of five years and up to two consecutive terms, in accordance with the new Magna Carta. What is a major change in a country that has been ruled by Fidel Castro for nearly five decades, from 1959 to 2008.

The president has the status of chief of the government. State and is elected by the National Assembly of People's Power, advanced Granma

The paper also stressed that the new Constitution of Cuba will include for the first time the prohibition to discriminate against people on the basis of their gender identity and recognition of private property, among other changes to adapt the text to the new social and economic reality of the country and the international community.

However, the Cuban authorities have reaffirmed that the Soviet-inspired political system that has governed the country since the 1959 revolution will be maintained.

After the foreseeable parliamentary approval of the new constitutional text, it will be submitted to consultation and then to a referendum for ratification by the city. Dania.

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