Cuba's new constitution paves the way for same-sex marriage


The draft new Constitution that the Parliament of Cuba began to discuss this Saturday seeks to legally prepare for same-sex marriage, an important claim of the LGBT community ] on the Socialist Island

In its article 68, the project defines marriage as the "concerted union" between two persons (…) and does not say what sex " explains Homero Acosta, Secretary of the State Council, at the plenary session of the National Assembly.

"It is an act of justice that reinforces these principles of humanism, fairness, and seeks to avoid that discrimination that for different reasons and for a long time has been," added Acosta and stressed that the new "Constitution could not avoid this question."

However, the official clarified that the change of concept does not automatically mean the legalization of "equal marriage", a question that 9004] requires a development subsequent legislation "so that" in the future that can be incorporated ".

The well-known gay journalist and activist Francisco Rodríguez, also a member of the ruling Communist Party received the news with a letter on his blog, "It would be the open door to move forward later." in the legalization of same-sex couples, "he said.

In addition, he said, the project "integrates the principle of non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity". other legal norms and public policies "to protect the rights of the community LGBT Cuban

However," Paquito "stressed that the conceptual change" is only the first step ", and In 1945, Cuba began the process of reform of its Constitution (1976) to adapt to economic and social changes the last ten years

Rebel Daughter

For nearly three decades, Vice President Mariela Castro, daughter of former President Raúl Castro, heads the defense of minorities in Cuba, where the revolution that triumphed in homosexuals in 1959. He even sent them to forced labor camps for the first time. "Re-educate."

Fidel Castro, historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, who died in 2016, apologized for the repression and punishment of homosexuals and clarified that it was not a state policy. [19659002] As the leader of the National Center for Sex Education (Cenesex), Mariela Castro promotes policies for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. Among the agitating issues, there is gay marriage, which triggers fierce controversy on the island.

"Giving rights to those who do not own them does not mean taking them away from those who already have them" broadcast Friday by local television

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