Danilo Medina directs the develizamiento of the busts of the Fathers of the Fatherland in Plaza de la Bandera


SANTO DOMINGO .- President Danilo Medina directed on Sunday the act of development of the busts of the Fathers of the Nation and national coat of arms, built by the sculptor Rigoberto Carrasco Almonte, in front of the Plaza de la Bandera

The inaugural act of the work "Fathers of the Flag Honor Nation", took place at 8:30 am

The Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Rubén Darío Paulino Sem, has stated that "this work obeys the permanent homage of the men and women who make up the Ministry of Defense."

He explained that busts direct their eyes toward the center, where the national flag floats.

Today, the 142nd anniversary of death is commemorated by the founder of the Dominican Republic, Juan Pablo Duarte, and tomorrow, July 16, the country remembers the 180th anniversary of the founding of the La Trinitaria Secret Society.

Paulino Sem said that he Fathers of the Fatherland are the highest expression of the struggle of the Dominican people for the independence of foreign domination.

Evocation to Rosa Duarte

While the president of the Permanent Commission of Patriarchal Celebrations, Juan Daniel Balcácer, said that the remains of Duarte were buried in Caracas, Venezuela.

He indicated that the sister of Juan Pablo Duarte, Rosa Duarte, Rosa Duarte, wrote in his diary:

"The General died at three o'clock the morning of July 15, 1876, declared independent at 11:00 on July 16 1838, went down to the grave at 11:00 on July 16, after being dedicated to living alone "Today, July 15, 2018, coinciding with the 142nd anniversary of the death of the illustrious founder of the Republic, the Ministry of Defense, faithful to its constitutional duty to defend national sovereignty and independence. and to contribute to the dissemination and strengthening of national values, has not convened with the honorable presence of President Danilo Medina. "

Imposing Sculptural Works

He said that the development of four imposing sculptural works, each placed on the islets that converge in front of the Plaza de la Bandera and the tomb of the Unknown Soldier," these are three busts of great proportions, with the effigies of the most important and most notable protagonists of the process of national independence, as well as he expressed that with the inauguration of these sculptures, the l & # 39; The monumental and architectural ensemble of Plaza de la Bandera acquires greater patrimonial value and greater splendor through the main national symbols. of the Dominican people.

The Present

In the Act were also present, the Defense Ministers, Lieutenant General Rubén Dario Sem Paulino, Administrator of the Presidency, José Ramón Peralta, Labor , Winston Antonio Santos Ureña, of Agriculture, Osmar Benítez and Public Health, Rafael Antonio Sánchez Cárdenas

Director of the National Police, General Ney Aldrin of Jesús Bautista Almonte and Juan Daniel Balcácer, President of the Permanent Commission of the Patriotic Ephemerides, the Mayor of Santo Domingo West, Francisco Peña, among others.

charge of the priest, Geraldo Ramírez, vicar general of the military archdiocese.

With them, the assistants of the president, Carlos Pared Pérez and Robert de la Cruz. In addition, the spokesman of the government and director general of communication, Roberto Rodríguez Marchena.

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