Day of fast payment of debit cards in the offices of the Bank of Venezuela


Day debit card quickly advanced in the offices of the Bank of Venezuela

Massive was the presence of users at the special day of debit card delivery in the offices of the Bank of Venezuela (BDV) in Maracaibo, in which the process to remove plastic passed, this Saturday, very quickly, according to says the beneficiaries.

"There are a lot of people, but we are going fast, I arrived at 8:30 and they leave at 10:00 am I left quickly," said 53-year-old Laura Quevedo in the Las Mercedes office

Olympic shopping mall was full of people lined up at the box office. Also in the bank located in the central part of the capital Zulia, where more than 800 requests were processed in the middle of the morning.

In the parking lot of the July 5th branch, the queue was impressive. However, Carmen Valenzuela said the day was progressing rapidly and added that she had "more than 5 months without my card, waiting for them to have some plastic." He had to be transferred to D & # 39; other accounts, it was heavy, "said the housewife.

The operation, from 8:30 to 14:00, was held in the offices of Bella Vista, Maracaibo Branch, Olympic CC, July 5, Dr. Portillo, industrial zone and La Limpia.

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