Deployed 500 officials in the axis is Aragua │ elsiglocomve


At least 500 officials belonging to various security forces in Aragua (PA, GNB, PNB and Cicpc) deployed on Saturday at noon in the east axis of the entity in order to ensure a greater public safety, lower crime rates and capture the negative leaders of these areas.
Various state security forces were deployed in the east axis of Aragua

Following the security operation in the state, the personnel in uniform moved to the east of the aragüeña entity, making various visits to the boroughs of municipalities Bolívar, Ribas, Revenga and Santos Michelena.

For this there were 50 bicycles and the same amount in radiopatric units, in addition to 118 quadrants of peace. It is the chief commissioner Miguel Plaza, head of the delegation of Aragua, who was responsible for it

It should be noted that this security device was executed under the orders of General Néstor Luis Reverol, Minister of People's Power of Interior, Justice and Peace, and coordinated by the National Directorate of CICPC under Commissioner Douglas Rico and in accordance with the policy of Governor Rodolfo Marco Torres

Similarly, it was coordinated by ZODI Aragua under the direction of General Hernández Lárez with the support of General José Betancourt Moya and in coordination with all state agencies, following the instructions of Colonel Juan Sulbarán, Secretary of Public Security, and the Director General of the Police of Aragua, José Gregorio Viloria.

of the police raid were controlled by a large number of people through the Integrated Police Information System (Siipol), thus putting justice. Until the close of this edition, more details of the operation were unknown.


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