Diario El Periodiquito – Development of an operational plan in Táchira for the pilgrimage of Santo Cristo de La Grita


  Elaboration of an operational plan in Táchira for the Pilgrimage of the Holy Christ of La Grita

The authorities of Tachiren spoke about the technical and logistical deployment carried out in the State, with a view to the celebration 408 years of pilgrimage Santo Cristo de la Grita and on the details of the operation that will run from 01 to 06 August.

The President of the Tachirense Tourism Corporation (Cotatur), Orlando Delgado ] confirmed that the institution he represents is responsible for the activity and has the right to do so. help from "directors who have spared no personal effort to carry out this mission entrusted to us". He assured that "400 meters from the sidewalks leading to the shrine" and recovered the damage caused by "bad weather at the shrine of Santo Cristo. "He also thanked the" help of the governor (governor dora del estado Táchira, Laidy Gómez ) and national agents through the Interterritorial Compensation Fund (ICF) "

Globovision Information

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