Diario El Periodiquito – Know the benefits of quitting forever


  Learn the Benefits of Quitting Smoking Forever

Tobacco remains one of the greatest threats to global public health today. The statistics are clear and frightening: smoking kills more than 7 million people a year, of which more than 6 million are direct consumers and about 890,000 are passive smokers, or the same, non-smokers.

According to data collected by the World Health Organization, only twenty minutes after smoking the first physical changes can be perceived, such as the decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, which return to their normal values. If the body inhales more tobacco smoke for twelve hours after the last cigarette, the levels of carbon monoxide in the blood diminish.

Major changes in smoking cessation occur over weeks and months. : between two and twelve weeks later, the lungs and the circulatory system appreciate the improvement, while between the first and the ninth month, a marked improvement is felt when breathing.

In the medium and long term, say goodbye to smoking it covers a significant reduction in the risk of suffering from serious diseases, such as lung cancer – the prevalence of which is reduced by half a decade after smoking -, coronary heart disease such as heart attacks or strokes.

that in the space of one to four years, the ex-smoker has a total risk of dying about half of a smoker

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