Diego Torres told us "A poquito" of his new single


By Diana Orantes

Jul 20, 2018- 10:51

The Argentine singer-songwriter Diego Torres famous for some hits like " Color of Hope "And" Penelope ", will begin the ninth studio album with the song" A poco ".

Through a telephone interview, Unicef ​​Goodwill Ambassador and spokesperson for the campaign against sexual violence "HeForShe", spoke about how the single was designed

D & On the other hand, Carlos Vives Chemical addition and fraternity to the video, that with the actress ] Natalie Pérez was filmed in Buenos Aires under the direction of Rubén Martín . He worked with Alejandro Sanz and Bacilos.

"A Poquito" is loaded with tropical pop rhythm and is already becoming another success in Diego Torres' career. These are his statements

What characteristics of his style are present?
This is a song that has to do with my musical identity, with a lot of rhythm and with a sequence between electronics, rhythm and the percussions of the guitar and the ukulele. In conclusion, it is a fusion of Latin rhythms

Diego Torres


. The last one goes back to The Musa Awards 2015 where he was rewarded for his musical career. In the same way, he got Grammys and has already devastated the MTV and Gardel Awards several times.

What made you think of Carlos Vives for this subject?
He was the ideal person to share with his voice, his and Colombian coastal freshness. In writing the song, I thought about it and it turned out to be very pleasant. We have known each other for years and we get along very well. I sent him the song and he liked it. For his part, he put a lot of commitment and desire. It was very nice to work and shoot the video, it was fun. I can say that it was a very good experience, so I'm happy with this new song and what is next to Carlos.

Have you ever worked together?
No, it's the first time and really it was very nice, we had fun recording the video because we had to play scenes as we both flirted to attract the attention of the casting director (played by Argentina Natalie Pérez). The idea of ​​the video was to do something funny in a comedy tone that reflects how good we have had and give people a good time.

Was it hard to like Natalie Pérez to record this song? We knew and a few years ago we worked on a television series, so it was nice to invite him to shoot these scenes. In the end we had a good time, she is a nice person so I was very happy that she was there.

Does the story of the song speak of more than just love? I'm stopping the woman, and we're a little romantic, that's why I called Carlos, because we feel life and a lot of things the same way. The song begins "In this world is not fashionable falling in love", and it seems that if you feel it and fall in love, you have to live it and give up on yourself. The song has this address in its lyrics and also in this world of abundance where we must have a lot of everything, but we do not realize that with just a little we can be happy. I liked the place where the subject is pointing because it is mixed with the rhythmic rhythm. I have a cool song, dance gently and very directly. That's why I proposed and defended it as the first song of the new album

What do you think of singers who sexualize women?
I believe everyone writes what he wants and is the owner and the slave of their words. I do not want to comment on others and make them controversial. I just want to write and pass it on to people. My values ​​are towards women. I support these causes and I believe in them and I admire them deeply. So it's good to spice up the music world in Latin America with songs that talk about it

What are your expectations for "Un Poquito"?
There are always a lot and the illusion is like the first day I started in music, because that 's a new song. I saw it born from the beginning and now people are appropriating it. This does not stop generating a lot of expectations. I'd like you to enjoy it, have fun and hope it becomes a point of contact and a pretext for my audience and me to see me again.

Is this the first song of a new record?
This will be part of the new album and the idea is that people are starting to know a little song by song. Today it is this and we will see when the complete disc will be, if it is this year or the beginning of the next one. I'm working on that, I already have a degree but it's good to give this time and development calmly. With a lot of information, it is difficult to attract the attention of people, so it is best to do it little by little and start with a song

Are there any future projects to visit El Salvador?
. I've done a lot of things for example, a movie was released in Argentina called "Re loca" that had an amazing response from the public, I also just finished a series of talent called "Fox Talent" which is seen in this chain. And a lot of things happen, so I think that this year or next year we will go to El Salvador

If you were given the choice between cinema, music and television, what would you prefer?
How to tell a parent which of your children you want more I really like to do everything. I had a good time with my colleagues and colleagues in "Fox Talent" and on what I have to say about what I like to write and write, do concerts and go on tour. All the processes are nice and difficult but I like them. It is good to do "a little bit of everything" as the song says.


Carlos Vives
Diego Torres

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