Discover a bank failure and extract one million dollars "for free" from your ATM


An IT engineer working in a Chinese bank was sentenced to 10 and a half years in prison for removing the equivalent of one million dollars from ATMs without any trace of these moves, reports the South China Morning Post.

Qisheng Qin, chief of Huaxia Bank 's technology development center in Beijing, China, discovered more than two years ago that a failure of the company' s operating system had prevented the company. registering withdrawals of money around midnight.

In November 2016, he introduced computer codes to prevent alarms from jumping and began extracting amounts between 5,000 and 20,000 yuan – about $ 740 and $ 2,965 – from an account used for testing.

An inspection conducted at a branch in another city revealed this irregular activity and Huaxia Bank reported the incident to the Chinese authorities in January 2018, while their employee had already withdrawn more than seven million yuan. a little over a million dollars.

As he had not warned his superiors, Qin was arrested two months later, alleging he had done to analyze the security decision himself – he felt that they had ignored his warnings – and returned the total amount: another had invested in the stock market.

Although this violated his safety rules, officials at Huaxia Bank accepted the explanation of his worker and acknowledged that his tests had helped the company save time and money. ;money. they removed all the charges against the suspect.

However, the Chinese courts rejected these arguments because this man had kept the money for all that time and even benefited economically from the process. He imprisoned Qisheng Qin last December. The defendant appealed to a court of appeal which upheld the decision at the end of January.

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