Discover how Kate Middleton manages to maintain an intact hairstyle


You will never see Kate Middleton with a stray strand. The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry's wife always look impeccable in the social events she frequents, especially her hairstyles

What you do not know, c & # 39; is that she has a trick in her sleeve and we bet on that you do not imagine what that is. Do you want to know? A Hair Net

This simple accessory is the last detail that Kate uses in her hairstyle so that everything stays in place, and is so imperceptible that only if you have an eagle view can you notice the mesh wrapping.

] A net can keep a low bow in place for several days, since it does not allow the hair to fall or disarm. And according to "Harper's Bazaar" magazine, Middleton has used this technique many times, as in October 2016, when he was photographed with a barely perceptible net on a bow.

According to "E!", It is possible that Kate decided to use the same network for the baptism of her son and for the celebration of 100 years of the Royal Air Force which took place 4 days later .

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge published four official photographs of the baptism of Prince Louis on Monday, July 9th. The photographs were taken by Matt Holyoak at Clarence House, after the baptism of Prince Louis. Seated (from left to right): Prince George, Duke of Cambridge, Prince Louis, Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Charlotte. Standing (from left to right): Duke of Sussex, Duchess of Sussex, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince of Wales, Mrs. Carole Middleton, Mr. Michael Middleton, Mrs. Pippa Matthews, Mr. James Matthews, Mr. James Middleton

A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on [16Juluary2018to02:14PDT

The accessory allows to create a hairstyle worthy of royalty with little time and effort. So, you can start to give the idea that the mesh is only a kitchen uniform and take it as a new fashion accessory.

Kate is the wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, who is the second in line of succession to the thrones of the 16 Commonwealth Kingdoms. Before her marriage, she was popularly known as Kate Middleton. She's now called Catalina Cambridge

Catalina was formally introduced to public life in 2011, two months before her marriage, when she attended the baptism of a lifeboat in the North Country of Wales. d, s, id) {
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