Disney will have his first African princess


United States

Disney will present his first African princess in an action film, Variety reported.

The production is motivated by the success of the character in ] Marvel, Black Panther whose film reported $ 1.35 billion at the world box office

This new film will follow the princess Sadé while trying to save people from his kingdom using his newly discovered magical powers.

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It is expected that soon more data on the production will be revealed, until now he has was confirmed that Rick Famuyiwa will be the producer, with Tendo Nagenda and Zoe Kent as supervisors of the film.

We still do not know who will be the director and the stars who will be part of it

About ten years ago Disney released " The Princess and the Frog " whose protagonist, Tiana became the first Afro-descendant princess and was the ninth to join the Disney World Princesses .

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