Divers seek the last five children in flooded cave in Thailand after taking eight more


Mae Sai, Thailand .- Diving groups rescued four more children from the flooded cave in Thailand on Monday, where five of the members of the "Wild Boar" football team still remain, he has been officially reported

"Two days, Eight boars" wrote the commanders of the Thai navy on their Facebook page, confirming Monday that four of the children were rescued, in addition to the four taken Sunday, The procedure was similar to Sunday's, when four of the children emerged in rapid succession just before dark after traveling the dangerous four-kilometer relief road through flooded galleries in several sections.

"Everyone can be proud … But the mission is not yet accomplished," said Prayut Chan-O-Cha, head of the ruling military junta since the coup d'etat of 2014, during a visit to the site. command of the rescue operation this Monday at dusk.

Earlier, the head of the Crisis Staff promised good news. "There will be good news in a few hours," Narongsak Osottanakorn said, normally very cautious.

The whole of Thailand was expecting a happy ending for these 12 children and their 25-year-old coach trapped in the Thuam Luang cave in the north of the country, since June 23, an event that attracted this area of ​​the world to hundreds of foreign media journalists .

The monsoon rain that threatens more floods in this complex underground network, 10 kilometers long, is the main challenge for first responders, who fear new rains before being able to get out the whole group

The "Wild Wild Boars" football team, made up of 12 children aged 11 to 16 and their young coach, spent nine days in the depths of the cave before two British divers found them last week.

Emaciated but alive, the miners were perched on a rock, more than four kilometers from the entrance to the cave.

Photo: Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha (c), accompanied by parents of football players trapped in a cave (Efe)

On Sunday, the complex rescue operation began in successfully saving four of them, thanks to the work of experienced divers who guided them on a tortuous path, with flooded sections and very narrow passages.

Baptized by social networks as "Boars 1, 2, 3 and 4", the four children are hospitalized and well, said Narongsak Osottanakorn, also governor of Chiang Rai Province.

For the moment, however, they are "separated" from their parents, to avoid possible infections taking into account their fragile state of health.

"The doctors plan to allow families to visit them, but separated by a crystal," he added.

No information.

Diving teams had to rest between the two missions and start new oxygen bottles.

D & # 39; where the interval between the two evacuations.

"We worked all night," said an official of the Chiang Rai Province Administration confirming that they only made a pause in the operation .

In addition to the difficulties of underwater courses, the situation is complicated by the fact that many children do not know how to swim and none have dipped. [19659003] An exbuzo of the Thai navy died while participating in the work to prepare the rescue, which demonstrates the great difficulty of this mission, even for the most expert.

Threat of Rain

The lack of space also adds to the complexity of operations.

The large number of journalists from all over Thailand and the world remain away from the cave and the Chiang Rai Hospital, where the four survivors are under observation.

The family of one of the children believes they decided to explore the cave after their soccer training to celebrate their birthday, which turned 16 years old.

They were then surprised by the rising waters inside this long cavity, located on the border with Burma and Laos.

After being located, rescuers desperately analyzed all possible solutions, from drilling tunnels in the mountains to the possibility later discarded that they had waited weeks to finish the monsoon .

But before the threat of new rains and low levels of oxygen in the gallery where the group found refuge, the authorities decided Sunday to play everything for everything and start the day. 39, evacuation with dive sections, after considering that the conditions were ideal.

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