Doctors in Bogota save the life of a pregnant woman with malaria


Rossymar Gil Pineda, a 20-year-old venereal patient and 7 months pregnant, was saved thanks to the attention of doctors in Bogotá.

The woman was already diagnosed with this disease in her country, but never finished antibiotic treatment because of the shortage of drugs that Venezuela suffers.

It is at this moment that the woman decided to move to Bogotá in search of well-being a city where her mother lives, also of Colombian nationality.

After having continued to present the characteristic symptoms of malaria, was included in a health center in the city of Suba.

The primary concern of physicians was that the symptoms could affect the fetus if the woman was still in this condition.

"When I was living in Venezuela, they had brought me antibiotics from another country for malaria, but ero when they treated me in Bogota, I I realized that these drugs had never worked ". ] Emphasized the pregnant woman.

Javier Parra, a doctor who cared for the woman, said: "Rossymar has already received two antiparasitic drug regimens and four units of blood have been transfused. We got a good response to treatment and at treatment, improvement of the patient's health was notorious ".

" Malaria is an infection caused by a parasite that destroys red blood cells and may compromise the life of the mother and baby," says Dr. .] [ad_2]
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